Halton vision
The transformation and sustainability of Adult Social Care is a priority for Knowsley Council. Key to achieving this will be a continued focus on early intervention and prevention. The approach will be underpinned by the commissioning of services that embody this ethos. This will be essential in supporting people to maintain and regain their independence whilst ensuring they receive the right support at the right time. When more acute care services are needed these will be high quality and provide value for money.
People will have more choice and control over the services they receive, giving them better access to services that better meet their needs. This will help to support people’s independence (retained or maintained), making them more resilient, enable dignity and optimise their health and wellbeing which will ultimately improve their quality of life for both users and carers. A range of support offers a more inclusive approach including targeted support for carers to enable them to continue in their caring roles.
The resources we have will be focused on commissioning services that we know from evidence achieve the best possible outcomes.
Adult Social Care plays a significant role in delivering the aims and objectives outlined in the City Plan and in its social care and health chapter, ‘One Liverpool’, ensuring effective care provision for adults in our city who have care and support needs, and their care. The City Plan has been developed by key partners from across Liverpool and sets out the shared vision and outcomes for inclusive growth in the city which we are all are committed to achieve. The framework for the City Plan clearly demonstrates and reinforces the need for change in the way that Liverpool City Council and other public services work together and with residents in the city, shifting power to people and communities and empowering people to take control of their lives.
The City Plan framework articulates the key aims sitting behind the vision, recognising their inter-relatedness and dependencies:
1. A healthier, happier, fairer Liverpool for all
2. People are educated and skilled to succeed throughout life
3. Safe and thriving neighbourhoods
4. A strong and ambitious economy
5. A low carbon, connected and accessible city
6. The most exciting city in the UK
More information on the city plan can be found here:
Alongside this, the plan articulates the way partners will better collaborate together and work more effectively to achieve the shared outcomes the plan sets out. The plan has been developed by key partners in the city alongside a wider stakeholder group from public, private and third sector organisations.
The One Liverpool strategy is a chapter of the City Plan, developed collaboratively with health and care partners in the city including; Liverpool CCG, Liverpool City Council, Primary Care Networks and seven NHS provider trusts. One Liverpool sets out the health and care plan for the city over the next five years with 4 key action areas:
1. Targeted action on inequalities, at scale and with pace
2. Empowerment and support for wellbeing
3. Radical upgrade in prevention and early intervention
4. Integrated and sustainable health and social care services
The targets outlined in the One Liverpool strategy are ambitious. However, we are confident that together, we can: – Halve the life expectancy gap to 1.7 years by 2025 – Reduce premature cancer deaths by 25% – Reduce premature circulatory disease deaths by 40% – Stabilise premature respiratory disease mortality – Reduce infant deaths by one third Read the full One Liverpool Strategy 2019-2024 here:
We want people who live in Sefton to live healthy and fulfilling
lives for as long as possible.
If and when they need it, we want people to have access to
a choice of good quality care and support that has a positive
impact on their lives.
We want to offer Care and Support that empowers people
to live an independent life, exercise choice and control, and
be fully informed. We will ensure that services are targeted
at protecting the most vulnerable and enabling everyone to
be as independent as possible for as long as possible. Our
offer will be focused on prevention, support, advice and build
support plans based on an individuals assets and built around
gaining the right outcomes for that individual from a range
of minimally invasive offers. We will support individuals to
live as independently as possible and work to prevent needs
escalating to a point of reliance on more formal complex
care delivery. We will focus our efforts on ensuring a diverse
range of high quality care and support offers to meet the full
spectrum of need. We will learn the lessons from responding
to Covid 19 and continue to deliver quality effective service
to people who live in Sefton that meets needs what ever the
challenge may be.
This document should be read along side the Adult Market
Position Statement for Sefton which details key supply and
demand, strategic landscape and how we wish to work with
providers of Health and Care in Sefton to ensure the very best
offer when people need us most.We will do this by delivering a model of support where we:
Help people to help themselves: We work alongside people to help them to
keep well and do as much for themselves as possible, for as long as possible.
■ Connecting people with information and support that is available within
their local communities
■ Helping people make the most of existing networks
■ Providing good quality advice and information at the first point of contact
Help people when they need it: Working with people in a timely way when
they are in need some intensive support for a short period OR providing people
with some low level support such as some equipment or assistive technology to
prevent the need for ongoing support.
■ When people approach us for support, we will initially consider whether
their needs can be met with some low level support such as equipment of
assistive technology, that would enable them to remain independent.
■ We would also consider whether a period of intensive support would help
them to regain their independence and prevent the need for ongoing
■ When people approach us in a time of crisis or when they are desperate,
we will respond quickly to prevent the situation becoming worse. We will
help them through the time of crisis and when things are more stable, we
will work with them and their families to consider what if any longer term
support might be required.
Help people live their lives: For those people who have needs that require longer
term care and support we will ensure that services are focussed on what is
important to them and on restoring, enhancing or maintaining their independence.
■ We will have conversations with people and their families about how they want
to live their lives, what they want to achieve and what is important to them.
■ We will create support plans that include short term and longer term goals,
and which will include aspects of restoring, enhancing and maintaining
■ We will keep these under active review and where progress to greater
independence is achieved, we will look to reduce services accordingly.
We will also:
■ Work with the market to ensure a diverse range of flexible care and
support. Giving choice and control to the individual and equipping our
practitioners with the right tools to build person centred outcome focused
support plans.
■ Ensuring services are operating and delivering to the highest possible
quality standard
■ Ensuring value for money and best use of resource
■ Recognise our joint responsibility in supporting the vital role undertaken by
informal Carers.
■ Keeping people safe from abuse, neglect and harm by carrying out effective
safeguarding partnerships across boundaries.
■ Developing a flexible workforce with the right skills to work across
organisational boundaries, that focuses on asset based approaches.
■ Through commitment to coproduction and co design to ensure the voice of
the adult is clear in the way our practice and services are delivered.
■ Utilising the opportunities integrated practice can provide to ensure
services delivered to people are seamless
■ Working together with our Health Partners to have a shared understanding
of demand and supply, and working together to commission services where
this makes sense, based on need and best practice and the most effective
way to meet outcomes.
■ We will work as a system inclusive of our providers to ensure that we can
work together to meet the outcomes the people of Sefton need and deliver
the best quality effective services.
■ Through a strengthened reablement offer, that means we have the
capacity to offer a focused period of reablement to all individuals entering
Care at Home services as part of a discharge process or crisis in the
■ Through the recommissioning of supported living services, day services
offers and respite in Sefton.
■ Through the continued progression as a leader in the regional Single
handed care transformation programme, that seeks to deliver dignity
in care where ever possible through the maximisation of the use of
equipment and manual handling techniques, ensuring Double handed Care
(to date savings have been made in 25% of cases)
We will adopt the following principles:
■ Early Intervention and Prevention
■ Intelligence led decision making
■ Innovation and ready for the future
■ Coproduction and co design of our services.
■ A valued workforce that is fit for the future
■ Increased choice enabling people to have control over their lives, improving
outcomes and maximising independence
■ High quality and person-centred services that respect people’s dignity,
rights and choices
■ Safeguarding
■ Support and involve Carers
■ Recognise volunteering and social action as key enablers
■ Provide choice that focuses on outcomes and maximising independence
Design and deliver integrated services which are created in partnership with
people and communities
Through the delivery of this delivery we will see the Adult Social Care Outcome
framework reflect the impact we are having and our ambition is to see top
quartile national performance in all key areas in 5 year times. The Adult Social
Care dash board will be regularly reviewed by the team and Cabinet Member for
Adult Social Care with challenge and oversight given by the Sefton Health and
Wellbeing board. This is how we will know the vison has made the impact its
intended to.